Know your Salmon: Chinook Salmon / King Salmon

Imagine this: a piece of salmon and a piece of halibut in front of you. Could you identify them? Probably. (Hint: salmon is orange and halibut is white.) But what about different species of salmon? Many people don’t even know there are so many different salmon species!
Salmon swim aplenty in the waters of the United States, but did you know that there are six different types of salmon commercially sold in the country? Read on to learn about them all, so that you can impress uninformed shoppers at the grocery store with your expertise and enriched salmon vocabulary.
King Salmon / Chinook Salmon
Surprise! King salmon and Chinook salmon are the same thing. Living up to its royal title, King salmon is considered the best salmon that one can buy – the salmon of all salmons. They are high in fat, have a rich flesh, and are large in size, reaching over 100 pounds. Talk about a prized catch! The largest ones can be found in Alaskan waters, but like its size, the Chinook salmon’s geographic range spans the widest, as they can also be found in the waters of Central California.
Recommended recipe: Grilled or pan-roasted with a light sprinkling of salt and pepper and a drizzle of lemon juice. This method will allow the skin to get nice and crispy, with a luscious, creamy flesh that will just melt in your mouth. A meal fit for a king!